Hello, my name is Süveyda I am a multidisciplinary visual artist based in Mannheim and Berlin, Germany.
As a fellow Communication Designer, I have more than one interest field in Art&Design. I mainly focus on photography and short films.
My inspiration comes from a wide variety of places. Everything that touches me in any way, whether it be a situation from my daily life, a song, a passage from a book, a poem, or a photograph, inspires me. In my images or video concepts, I try to convey these feelings or ideas.
If the stories in my works resonate with you despite their abstraction, if I succeed in eliciting emotions, then I have met the demands I place on my art.
If the stories in my works resonate with you despite their abstraction, if I succeed in eliciting emotions, then I have met the demands I place on my art.
Contact: suveydahalici@gmail.com